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What is Bone health and why do we care about this?

Bone loss can lead to osteoporosis known as the silent disease. Over 50 million Americans have low bone density. for women, bone loss increases significantly after menopause where women can lose 20% or more of their density.

Evaluating bone health during menopause is crucial, as declining estrogen levels can lead to decreased bone density and an increased risk of osteoporosis. Here’s how to assess and prevent bone loss:

First, a comprehensive medical evaluation is essential. This typically includes a bone density test, or DEXA scan, which measures the density of your bones and helps identify early signs of bone loss. If you are 50 and older Talk to your doctor to see if you are eligible for DEXA scan to measure your bone density. Blood tests may also can be conducted to check levels of vitamin D, and other markers relevant to bone health.

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